India 水 Tool enhanced with agriculture water-use data to help build resilient agriculture value chains in India

WBCSD推出印度水务工具4.0 bringing new agriculture demand-side water data helping businesses understand risks and opportunities for strengthening agriculture value chains in India.

发表: 2022年3月22日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦,2022年3月22日: On the UN World 水 Day, we release the new version of the 印度水工具4.0. It is a comprehensive and user-friendly application that makes water data from the Indian government and other organizations available on a publicly accessible platform. The goal is to help businesses and others water users understand their risks and plan solutions for better water management in the country.

水资源短缺是印度面临的紧迫风险. IPCC第六次评估报告的第二部分 “气候 Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” released recently points to India as one of the most vulnerable hotspots to climate change. It highlights that crop production could fall significantly for major Indian crops by 2050 due to climate change and the resulting water stress.

Better water management in agriculture is a direct measure to improve climate change adaptation. Businesses can play an important role in building adaptation through improving water management in their supply chains thus creating win-win for all.

在之前版本的基础上, 印度水工具4.0 brings production and water productivity data for 10 major crops in India that occupy over 60% of the gross cropped area in the country. This will help food and agriculture companies understand the water footprint of their agriculture value chains in India, 并做出决策,提高价值链的可持续性. The results will also be useful for agriculture solution-provider companies to understand where in the country their solutions are most needed.

2013年首次推出, the India 水 Tool is a high-resolution and open access web application that has helped several businesses and consulting companies in India understand their water risk and prioritize their locations for further analysis and action. 20多家公司, and three knowledge partners have been involved in the development of the tool over its four successive versions.

汤姆威廉姆斯, Senior Director – 自然的行动 says: “The India 水 Tool is a unique example of a collaborative effort between actors to create a sustainable future through responsible water management. 随着水资源的压力越来越大, the need is now stronger than ever to create sector and value chain-based solutions to addressing the climate-water nexus. I am pleased to note that the India 水 Tool continues to develop with this focused approach, 并为数据导向的商业行为做出贡献。”.

 D. Narain, 拜耳南亚高级代表, 副主席, Managing Director and Global Head of Smallholder Farming says: “农业 holds the key to better water management as it consumes the most water withdrawn locally. I feel very proud that as Bayer we have partnered and contributed to the development of the India 水 Tool over the years, and now with v4 of the tool bringing agriculture demand-side water data, we see this as a significant enabler for companies to take sustainable and informed action towards improving the water footprint of agriculture value chains. 我认为这是一个双赢的局面, 包括企业, 社区与环境, and a tangible effort in alignment with Bayer's strategy of promoting responsible use of resources to help people and planet thrive".

We thank all companies that have contributed to the development of the India 水 Tool over its four successive versions


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